Screen Time for Kids

Usama Memon
4 min readFeb 4, 2021


Screen Time for Kids: This is What You Need to Know.

In a 2020 survey, more than 70% parents wished that they should have monitored their kid’s screen time more effectively. Parents play a vital role in the upbringing of the child and you can monitor your kid’s screen time effectively. Most of the time, parents hand over screen devices to their children to not be distracted. But it is quite a dangerous thing to do, the American Academy of Pediatrics AAP says.

Certainly, one cannot cut electronic devices from human beings. These devices such as mobile phones, tablets, laptops, computers, or TV, have become so common that you will witness nearly in every person’s hands. As its most usage, we most of the time wonder: how much time is safe for the kids?

As we know that children love to play physical games and they are naturally inclined to learn through physical senses. A child’s mental growth and cognitive abilities are maximized as he/she engages in physical senses. Mostly screen time cannot offer this opportunity to the children.

Being too much exposed to screen time leads to behavioral and social disorders in kids. As the first few years of life are most essential to growing mentally and physically, children need this time to interact with their surroundings and experience the world. This is not the issue with children only. Research has proved the cause of depression in teenagers is due to over usage of screen time.

Now, let us dive deep into research issued by the American Academy of Pediatrics AAP and see how much screen time is optimum for my kid.

How Much Screen Time is Optimum for Kids?

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— -No screen time at all must be there for the kids till the age of 18 months. Most of the cognitive and mental development occurs at this age and screen time hinders these processes. It is highly recommended to not give access to children to digital devices at this age.
— -As a child reaches the age of 18 to 24 months, introduce the devices with quality content that ensures their engagement of senses and learning process must not be compromised. Remember, the supervision of parents is important as children should not be exposed to low-quality content.
— -Children of the age between 2 to 5 years must not be utilizing devices for more than an hour. This is the time, parents must focus on enhancing kids’ learning abilities by introducing them to new and exciting physical games. Productive interaction with elders has to be there to improve the cognitive abilities of children.
— -From 6 years and onwards, there is no strict and hard rule about screen timing as every child is different with different kinds of needs and desires. Your child needs to do homework on the computer and he might play games after a tiring task to relax. However, supervision is always the key. As long as the child is following the track of rules, it is okay for him.

Quality of the Screen Time

Quality time has to be maintained and adopted. Playing an interactive game that engages your kid’s senses is quality time and at the same hand, playing a game that contains killing and violence counts as a low-quality game. Other examples of quality time are learning skills like editing, language classes, designing, and so much. As a parent, you have to guide your child to make him understand the difference between quality time and low-quality time. Always appreciate vocally the quality time because it encourages the child to come back to that next time.

Secondly, talk about the topics with your kid that are being played. It engages the attention of your child to the happenings and he will have a better experience this way.

In this regard, you need to have a piece of knowledge about the apps and programs that your child is browsing. This way, you get the idea about the screen time that your child will be getting into.

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Effects of Excess Screen Time

Effects of excess screen time are quite many especially children. Kids younger than 3 years face problems with cognitive development. And elder ones will come across problems like irritation, anger, and behavioral disorders.

Obesity is the main issue due to screen time if it is letting you away from physical games and sports. It is the utmost duty of parents to encourage their kids to play outside to remain fit and healthy. Physical games should be given more importance over digital ones.

Also, vision problems are a result of high energy blue light that is emitted from screens of laptops, computers, and mobile phones.

Research has shown the depression in teenagers as well due to over usage of screen time. Hence, teens avoid social interaction and it highly disturbs their social life.


Screen time for kids is a crucial topic and hence dealt with great care. It is the parent’s duty to monitor their child’s screen time. You can create your family’s media use plan by AAP.



Usama Memon

I am Usama Memon. A skilled content writer with great abilities to organize and optimize the writing in your favor. Article and blog posts writer.